- We source and manufacture parts right here in the South East of Melbourne Australia. A lot of people would be surprised that Australia was Indian's best export market for many years through the 20's and 30's so much so that Mr Rhodes the owner of the Australian importer had a seat on the board of directors of Indian motorcycle. There is estmated to be as many as 10,000 Indian motorcycles still running in Australia which is a massive number relative to our tiny population of 22 million people.
Collection list
Just some of the Nut Bolt and clip sets we stock
Genuine Indian Parts
From 1901 Indian Classic parts right up until today. We can source anything you need. If it's not on the website today contact us and we will track it down for you.

International Connections
We attend a number of International Vintage Indian events around the world. New Zealand, United Kingdom, Czech Republic and the USA. This keeps us upto date with who is making what, what new innovations there are in the Indian Motocycle world as well as maintaining our network of parts suppliers and fostering new business links to increase our sales volume.
Just some of our favourite events
KopHill Climb has been an event on the UK Vintage Vehicle scene since the 1920's
The largest Bike Rally in New Zealand held in Invercarghill amongst the stunning backdrops of the Southern Alps features all kinds of bikes
The Annual Vintage Indian European Rally. People from all over Europe meet here to ride their old Indians, swap stories wheel and deal and of course sample a few beers.
Antique Motorcycle Club of America hold numerous swap meets and rallies all over the USA and beyond. Always something going on here.