Replica & Genuine Indian® Motocycle Parts

Our passion is Old Indian® Motocycles. As many enthusiasts do we started out with a basic 1948 Indian® Chief and the passion grew and grew. He we are some 16 years later with in excess of 3500 line items on the shelf in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

From 1901 Indian® Classic parts right up until Indian closed in 1953. We can source anything you need. If it's not on the website today contact us and we will track it down for you.

We also manufacture and wholesale Indian® parts for various organisations around the globe. Just some of the things we make for Indians®. Replica Autolite 12v Alternators, Twin leading shoe brake systems for Chiefs®, Upgraded brake systems for 741, Passenger seat kits for Chiefs®. Replica horn covers & a myriad of smaller replica parts such as tank badges, gasket sets, shafts and brackets.

We are not official agents for the Indian® Motorcycle Company® and neither are we affiliated in any way other than our passion for these magnificent older machines.

E: sales@zorros.net.au
W: www.crazyhorsemoto.com.au  parts
T: +61 (0) 466 229747